Remembering Roy

Roy Castle was a beloved entertainer. He could dance, sing and act. He could play dozens of instruments and held multiple world records. But this isn’t what made him special; it was the selfless way he lived out the final few months of his life.

30 years ago, Roy embarked on an epic three-day journey – the Tour of Hope – raising the profile of lung cancer and funds for essential research.

To commemorate this special occasion, we want to hear your memories of Roy. Leave a dedication to one of the good one...

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Roy Castle

Simon Feltham

A man who played a big part when I was growing up. His professionalism, his selflessness and humility was and is a lesson to us all. I lost my non smoking wife at 60, less than a year ago. We have raised nearly £5000 overall in Jude Feltham's name for RCLCF. We love this charity and all it is striving to do, least of all keeping Roy's name on everybody's lips. Bless my wife and Roy for all they have done to battle Lung Cancer.